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Answering Questions Re:

What Is Sacred
And Holy?

          The Bloody City:  The PreExilic Jerusalem was where the Solomonic Temple became the home of GOD'S Holy Ark.   The other Temples never saw The Holy Ark.   However, Herod's Temple was special as that site was where Jesus Christ was taken prisoner, condemned to death, died, was buried in the Holy of Holies of that Temple, and resurrected.

          The literal city has been called "the bloody city" for obvious reasons.   That abominable label could apply equally to both the pre and post Exilic Cities.

          The Holy Things: Now note that prior to when Solomon built his great tomb for GOD'S Holy Ark ... the Holy Ark dwelt amongst the people in the Tent of the Tabernacle which resided in a multitude of places:  so, are they not Holy too?

          The first Holy Ark hidden by Jacob has been in its repository more than 3,700 years.   Whereas, the second Holy Ark hidden by Jeremiah has been waiting 2,500 years.   So, for example, is Hebron a Holy City?   No one appears to care.

          Items are termed "sacred" because?   Because they are dedicated (given) unto GOD?   Thus, GOD owns them?   But, GOD owns the whole world and everything in it even the local dump.   So, what makes something different or acceptable to GOD?   What makes Jerusalem "the bloody city"?

          The Holy People:  Let's shift gears for a moment.   GOD ordained two lineages that began with Adam and Cain ... one was the seed of man and the other the seed of the beast.   Eventually GOD merged both to the point where people could not distinguish the difference (Jeremiah 31:27; Amos 9:9).   Whole groups of people have been playing various roles in this great drama of life.   Oh, yes, Abraham was the farther of many nations (goy); and, Jacob was renamed Israel meaning a "prince with GOD"; but, who are the true princes with GOD ... the "kings and priests" of Revelation 5:10?   Who are that Little Flock, the Firstfruits, and the Lambs to be separated under Jesus at the right hand of GOD?   They, of course, will be the true or more righteous Jerusalem.

          Setting The Scene:  O.K., let's shift gears once again.   In the beginning GOD set forth His laws for all humanity:  both the seed of man and the seed of the beast.   And GOD foretold that those who obeyed His Word would form the Kingdom of GOD.   But, when people refused or otherwise avoided obeying, everyone was cast into the land of the North under the left hand of GOD, i.e. under Satan's dominion (Deuteronomy 29:28; 31:16-21; 32:16-21).

          A 40 year Exodus began in 1978 in preparation for the glorious Solemn Assembly (Micah 7:15; Jeremiah 16:14-15; 23:7-8; Zephaniah 3:18).   Will those who are not amongst the Firstfruits be Holy?   If not, why not?

          Remember, GOD'S requirement involves obeying His righteous laws (Deuteronomy 30:1-10; Isaiah 56:1-8).   People have been instructed to come out of this unrighteous world (Revelation 18:4; Jeremiah 51:6; Zechariah 2:6-7).   However, there were no Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or such religions per se before the days of Solomon.   The Jews, Christians, and Muslims are represented by the three flocks waiting by the well (Genesis 29:1-10), Daniel's three friends, Job's three friends, etc.   So, does Job's fourth friend whose speeches begin with Job 32 represent a merger of Jewry, Christianity, and Islam?   Remember, if everyone discarded their traditions and out of context doctrines, all would be keeping GOD'S sabbaths, His New Moon fasts, and His seven annual Holy periods as well as His righteous laws (Deuteronomy 4:2; Proverbs 30:5-6; Matthew 5:17-19; Revelation 22:18-19).

          Taking GOD'S Holy Arks Captive:  With respect to when GOD'S Holy Ark is to be brought forth:  Leviticus 26:11-14 indicates that GOD'S Holy Ark could have been brought forth before 1982, i.e. before the 35 years of tribulations began.   We visited Hebron for three months beginning 27 December 1984.   That's when Jewry took GOD'S Holy Arks (2) captive by their guns, threats, and failure to cooperate (Zechariah 5:4).   Canticles (Song of Solomon) describes events as does Ezekiel 12:3-7; Zechariah 5:9-11; Nahum 2:7; Isaiah 40:5; etc. (Also see Scam #5).   The Canaanitish agents within Jewry obviously didn't want GOD'S Holy Ark (Shiloh) brought forth (Genesis 49:1,10; Isaiah 14:5; John 11:47-53; Zechariah 5:4).

          The Significance Of Ancient Sites:  Remember, the Word says that nothing will be hid and everything will be made known (Matthew 10:26).   And the eternal Congregation "... shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations" (Isaiah 61:4; 58:12).

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Prepared By
Father - Son Team
         George & Dana Brown
         P.O. Box 320932
         Cocoa Beach, Florida
         USA          32932-0932
         Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com

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